Six foot, seven inches tall. Two-hundred and seventy three pounds. Kohn wears a purple cloak over his black plate armor. He also wears a strange looking red helmet. A yellow face plate obscures all features except his solid, green, glowing eyes. (No pupil of iris; just a bright, solid green.)Wears gloves and boots of black leather. Carries no visible weapons.
Kohn has a past he is not proud of, and does not like to speak of it. He comes from another dimension where he had great power. Upon entering this world, his powers were diminished, and his greater technology destroyed. Kohn has no desire to return, and considers his time in this world a penance for some of his past deeds.
Long ago, Kohn had immense magical powers. Since coming to this world, the majority of his powers have diminished. He still retains the following:
Limited offensive magics- He can still use a few of his destructive powers, but he is no rival for most wizards.
Healing magics- He can heal most wounds, but healing serious wounds will cause him great exhaustion.
Transformation powers- Once able to shift forms completely, he can now only implement small changes: Changing his outfit, turning his hands into blades, etc. Although his magic is mostly gone, he is still very strong.
Since no facial features (except for the eyes) are visible, Kohn's emotions can be determined by watching what his eyes do. When ashamed or saddened, Kohn's eyes will darken to a less bright hue. When angry, his eyes will flicker brightly. When happy or amused, his eyes will grow even brighter than normal. Kohn has a firey temper which is often shown as the result of questions about his past. Kohn is very secretive and sensitive about his past.