Raff is a almost 6'0" male Lupin from the canine class
(humanoid canine) and has the build of a german shepard. He has dark blue eyes
and brown, black and grey medium length fur covering his body and a patch of tan
fur over his right eye, he has a 2' long bushy tail. The fur on his shoulder is
burned black in the shape of a dragon wrapped around a sword. He also wears the
long fur on top of his head in dreadlocks. Raff wears a black gi with a red belt
and has a sword who's steel is a dull red color is slung around his back and a
rock that is a very deep red on a chain around his neck. On his forearm is a
contraption with three slits in it and it is held on by two leather
He joined military school, and stayed there till he was 15 then joined the army, he later relized at the age of 19 that he didn't want to fight anymore and decided to leave, raska told him about a place called Stardragoninn where he could spend out the rest of his life without being executed. Thats when he first came in, about 2 weeks after he went back to Renardy, the lupin homeland, and heard that the king found out he left and banished him from Renardy not knowing he had a place to go and figured he'ed die short after. Thats when he went back to SDI.
Raff just became soulmates with Morrigen, wish us luck eh? :) Also, he is helping lead the Rebellion against Ka`thanatos.
He's 19 years old and was part of the lupin army (all lupin males have to join), part of the assasination squads like his friend Raska (those who knew me about a year ago know who he is). Basicly what they did was assassinate commanders of the enemy. Like all Lupins he is basicly faster then a normal human and could jump higher and can read and write and see very well in the dark. He has sword made out of red steel, and a devise on his forearm that when he flicks his wrist 2 curved blades come out(like on the predator) made of the same red steel. For those who are unfamilure with the AD&D short lived Red Steel campaign, the thing with red steel is that it's semi magical, when it cuts anything, magical or not, they become deformed and eventually die or live in EXTREME pain. The only thing protect you against red steel is Cynabril, Raff has a piece of cyrabril around his neck on a silver chain (basicly a necklace :) ) so red steel is feared by mages and such on the savage coast since they are the only one's that know about it.