
  Strider is an elf garbed entirly in black. His black chainmail glistens in the light. His dark purple hair is shaved real short and his eye are hazel. At his waist hangs two longswords clearly of elven make. Through his labret is a spike piercing. His left eye brow is pierced along with his left ear. His expose skin is a deep tan color, from long exposer to the sun, he stride shows great care on where his feet fall and show that he is likly to die before he trips up, Around his neck is a gold rope chain, and hanging from that is a black ring, set with four white stones.

  Rizzen was born in the desert regions of Shi`Tan in southern Titania. Shi`Tan was much like the place Aladin came from. Rizzen was born of whore and discarded to the streets. A Blade found the baby and brougth it to his guild where it was nursed and raised. When the child came of age his Adopted father Dark was all the people called him, was sentenced to death for carrying on a affair with the sultans wife. Rizzen wished to keep his "fathers" memory alive and Became a blade. Soon he hooked up with a traveling caravan anmd traveled , then one day from a gypsy he found out he was heir to the throne in Shi`Tan. The sultan also knew this and had the kid tried to be brought back, finally he came back and in a single handed combat against his father one his freedom, he has loved and lost, a girl call Jasmine a female thief, she was lost in a raid on the caravan, a disgruntled. employee backstabed her. Then from his friend Tourken he got his blades, the human killers, since they were elven make. then comeing to the inn, he fell in love with a lady called Amberlee, who disapeared misteriuosly,

 There isnt to much going on in his life save the usualy fights and scraps and shows.

  Attitude: He is strong willed, and will not bend easily, when his point is argued he defends it fiercly. If his views are challanged he will not back down, unless the other person need to be taught a lesson, draws blade only when needs to, and is very quite about himself, he rarly speaks of his life, yet he speaks much of expierance. He fears falling in love, and will keep women at a distance, mainly as friends, if he does grow to care, he doesnt show it in any way other then attemping to save the others person life if need be, and winning there favor as a close friend.

Magic Items: His long swords are clearly of elven make, and are called human killers, this gives him a +1 to hit and damage when they are used against a human. The ring on the chain, is a ring he gave to a former blade which he once loved, it is a ring of speed, allowing who ever wheres it blades to spin more faster and deadlier. It does not reasonate magic and is blank to a detect magic spell. it is worth 800 gold pieces, it is made of black steel, and has four white coral pieces in it.