�� StarDragonInn is located in Althanus. Althanus is surrounded by steep rocky mountains covered in lush
forest and lays at the far eastern end of a fiord. Althanus its self is
a huge walled city with eight sides, forming an octogon with large iron
gates in the center of each side. The walls are some 100 feet tall and
are surrounded by round towers that loom some 150 feet into the air.
The Water Front which consists of dozens of docks surrounding the
inner most portion of the fiord and covers the western part of the city. �� The next section of the city is the Market Place, which is a set of
city blocks linked together by stone cobbled streets filled with all
kinds of booths and stores selling just about anything you can imagine.
The market place is located near the Water Front and just as you pass
the eastern wall on the other side of the city, right between New and
Old Althanus. �� After this is the city its self, which consists of Old Althanus
(inner part of the city) and New Althanus (outer part of the city),
which contains various lower and middle class homes, professional shops,
various small temples, libraries, and so on, and surrounds the entire
city. ��Huddled in the northern part of the city is the main Religious
District, which holds temples to all the Old Gods, schools and various
libraries, including one enormous Royal Library of Althanus which is
said to hold every book ever written in the history of the planet. ��Near the center of the city on a raised hill are the nobles homes,
which includes all kinds of fantastic houses and mansons. This whole
distract is enclosed by a wall and four gates, which are always guarded.
Within the Nobles District holds a garrison for visiting noble knights. �� Laying between the Noble District and the Market Place on the eastern
side of the city is the main Garrison, which holds all of the cities
guards, and military force, as well as having a practice ground some 100
yards squared. �� Between the Market Place and New and Old Althanus stands a large
structure some 200' long, 100' wide, and 50' high is an Inn known as The
StarDragon Inn and is the most famous and most used Inn in the entire
city. �� And finally, in the dead center of the city on a large hill, raising
above everything else is the Palace, which consists of a large wall and
inside of the wall is a courtyard which takes up half of the palace's
location and the second portion is the keep its self, which is the
single largest structure in the city.
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